Yandaran School has its own chaplain for 2 days per week. Chaplains contribute towards addressing religious, spiritual and/or ethical needs of students. Whilst personally modelling and owning their own faith positions or belief, chaplains avoid any implications that any one religion, denomination or other set of beliefs is advantageous or superior to any other denomination, religion or belief. Our school's chaplaincy program complements other welfare services in the school such as those offered by the guidance officer or youth support coordinator, and is not a counselling service.
The chaplain is involved in a range of activities which happen at this school which are free of religious, spiritual and/or ethical content. These activities are available to all students on a voluntary basis unless a parent or guardian requests in writing that this is not to occur for their child/ren.
Please complete a
Chaplaincy program consent form (DOC, 54 KB) for any child/ren at Yandaran State School.