The purchase of uniforms is necessary because children are to wear their uniform to school every day, including special occasions and excursions. For more information, please see our school's
Uniform policy (DOC, 443KB). Please ensure you label all of your children's clothing clearly.
Uniform order form (PDF, 430KB) should be completed and brought to the school. If you are unable to download the form, please
Contact us and we will provide you with the required information.
Our school uniform is:
- maroon wide brimmed slouch or bucket hat for girls & boys available at school
- multi-coloured sublimated school polo shirt available at school
- multi-coloured sublimated shorts (if available) or
- plain maroon shorts (available at Big W or Best & Less)
- socks—sports or anklet style in white or grey
- preference is black or white joggers for girls & boys
- sun safe swim shirt for swimming.

Certain items are unsuitable for school, for example:
- bike pants or board shorts (due to health and hygiene)
- sleeveless tank tops or singlet tops (see Sun safety procedure)
- oversized t-shirts particularly hanging out over shorts
- clothing with inappropriate or offensive artwork or slogans
- fashion shoes (for example: pastel or brightly coloured volleys and alike)
- multi-coloured socks or football socks
- jewellery.
In time, second hand uniforms will become available. Please check with the school for current prices as variations may occur.